In 1970, we purchased property at 4987 Thrush in
In 1983, we purchased our present building from Matthews-Dickey Boy's Club and began our first renovation project, we held service in what is now the dining area and marched into the sanctuary later that year. Since moving to this location, we have been blessed to organize a Missionary department and a Health Unit. Pastor and Sis. Washington were instrumental in the opening of a childcare facility in the church auxiliary spaces which prospered for many years. In this time period, God answered Pastor
After many changes in the musical staff, Faith was blessed when one of the young men who grew up in the church Bro. Zane Porter came to Pastor Williams and asked if the band, he played with could play for the church, this was a blessing that we knew could only have come to pass with the help of God. We now have a full band which includes a keyboard player, and lead guitar player, a bass guitar player and a drummer. Through the years some of the faces have changed, but the band is still together.
We are pleased that God has given us the use of, His building so we had no second thoughts when we were asked to share it with other congregations. In the past, we shared a space in the building with pastor William Gwynn and the Hope of Glory Christian Assembly, with pastor Bradley Jones and
In 2009 we were vandalized and four air conditioners were stolen from our roof and another one beyond repair, but God had already put the right people in the church to cover this event. Rev. John Hope had come and joined the church bringing with him is knowledge of heating and air conditioning. After reporting the matter to our insurance company and receiving the monies to replace the units we got five new units along with iron cages to protect them from theft. .
We continue to keep God at the forefront of all we do, and in March and April of 2016, we were able to complete the renovation of our kitchen, and this year 2023 we upgraded the overflow area of the kitchen to be used for our Grill to Glory ministry and clothing storage. We have other projects pending, and God has blessed Faith with a group of faithful men and women who are always willing to lend a hand.
Our membership has around 200 persons on the books, with about half that number in attendance; with the addition of new ministries, we expect even more blessings from God. From the time of our beginnings in 1966, the Lord has called to rest many of our faithful members, including not only our organizing pastor Rev. Percy L. Washington and his wife Sis. Lula Mae Washington, but also Sis. Lue B. Williams, the wife our present pastor Rev. Theodore R. Williams Jr. We thank God for having placed them in our lives for such a time as they were with us.
We praise God that when we celebrated our 50th anniversary on November 6th 2016 our morning service preacher, was a product of Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Minister Brandy Peoples, when we see what God has done in her life we are ever grateful that He allowed some of us to play a part in her growth and development in His kingdom.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Faith closed its doors like many churches and began to conduct Sunday service through our website and conference calls for Sunday school and Bible study. Our in-house service was cancelled for 15 months from the third Sunday in March 2020 until the first Sunday in June 2021 when we opened with Covid-19 restrictions in place. We began by having Sunday school in house and via conference call, and as of June of 2023, Bible study is also in-house and via conference call. This year 2024 represents 41 Years at our present location and 26 years since our last sanctuary renovation.
The scriptures tell us this in 1 Corinthians 2:9 “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” And it is because of this we will continue to give Him glory and praise as we press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.
Rev. Dr. Theodore Roosevelt Williams Jr., Th.B., M.Th., Th. D,. D.Div., Pastor