Men ought to always pray and not to faint. (Luke 18:1b)
James 5:16 says; "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much". The writer of James calls for the church to also " pray one for another that ye may be healed" (James 5:16b) Our prime example for prayer comes from the prayer life of Christ, He was always found praying; sometime with others, and sometimes He would remove Himself from the crowd to talk with God alone. Prayer is an improtant part of everyones life, but not only for healing, it has also been shown to improve our lives. Listed in a recent article in Psychology Today were five scientifcally supported benefits of prayer. They are; 1. Prayer improves self control, 2. Prayer makes you a nicer person, 3. Prayer makes you more forgiving, 4. Prayer increases trust, 5. Prayer offsets the negative health effects of stress. We should have our own prayer life, but this page is to allow you to be put on the prayer list at Faith. We serve a God that knows all about us, so there is no need to get too detailed about your request, you can just say, "I need prayer" or request prayer for family members and loved ones. We also accept praise reports, if God has done something in your life that you what to share with us just let us know. We are striving to have your prayer requests and praise reports noted on the web site within two days of receiving them unless you request they remain private.