Faith Missionary Baptist Church has many different and diverse ministries whose overall goal is to share the Word of God and His love to people with many different needs, desires, and expectations, from the youngest child to the most mature adult.
Deacons Ministry
Coming Soon
Missionary Ministry
The purpose of The Mission is twofold:
The first is reaching inward, nurturing our membership through mission study, education, fellowship and prayer. The second is reaching outward through personal witnessing, evangelizing, community outreach, and seeking justice and liberty for all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Mothers Ministry
Coming Soon
Layman's Ministry
Coming Soon
Usher's & Health Unit Ministry
Coming Soon
Christian Education Ministry
Coming Soon
Young Adults Ministry
Coming Soon

Youth & Children's Ministry
Coming Soon
Mass Choir Ministry
Coming Soon
Male Chours Ministry
Coming Soon

Music Ministry
Coming Soo
Media Ministry
The mission of the Media Ministry is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever changing world through the use of technology and media. To equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool to glorify God by ensuring that His Word is broadcast through sermon, praise and song without distraction or interference within our local church and throughout the world.