Welcome To Faith's Covid Praise Page!!!!
Here on Faith's praise page we want to uplift the spirits of everyone, with the testimonies of some of Faiths disciples we intend to do just that. Where our church motto is, "We Walk by Faith and not by Sight!"
PHILLIPIANS 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengths me.

(2). Sis. Joyce Jennings Faith's very own as everyone calls her Sis. Joyce received her first vaccine on Feb 16th, and her second vaccine was done on March, 16th. Sis.Joyce has reported no complications to the vaccines other than pain in the arm which she received the shots in.She received the Moderna vaccines HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!

(7). Sis.Katherine Collins Sis. Collins had the covid virus and has reported symptoms as severe headache, shortness of breath severe nasal conjestion, (she added that when she blew her nose that a long stream of blood came out in the appearence of plastic), she used plenty of liquids, breathing treatments, inhalers, and were checking her pulse oxygen every hour. she also reported that her pulse oxygen level had dropped to 87, she had no sense of taste, could not smell, and dehydration, she should have been hospitalized but Glory be to God He came and touched her and brought her through. Sis. Collins has had her first covid vaccine on Feb 25th, 2021 and her second vaccine on March 18th, 2021. Sis.Collins has reported no complications to the vaccine other than sore arm and mild muscle cramps.she received the Pfizer vaccine HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!

Bro.Washington received his first covid vaccine on April 2. 2021 Which was the Pfizer vaccine and has receive his second dose on April 23, 2021. Bro. Washington has reported no complications to the vaccine at all way to go Bart HALLELUJAH all praises be to God! Bro. Washington received his second vaccine he is doing just fine no complications.

(12). Mother. Rosa Jones Mother Jones received her first covid vaccine on March 11, 2021, and she has received her second dose on April 8, 2021. Mother Jones stated that she had no side effects at all and it was the Moderna vaccine she received HALLELUJAH all praises be to God! Update Mother Jones received her second vaccine she is doing fine no complications at all.
(13). Sis. Delores Jones Sis. Jones received the Moderna vaccine on March 3, 2021, and her second dose on April 13, 2021. Sis.Jones has stated that she feels just fine after receiving her vaccine we thank God for Sis.Jones spirit HALLELUJAH all praises be to God! Update Sis.Jones received her second vaccine and she is doing well.
(14). Sis. Jennifer Jones Sis. Jenny as everyone calls her received her first covid vaccine on March 5, 2021 and she received her second dose on March 26, 2021. Sis. Jenny stated that she had no side effects at all and she had the pfizer vaccine HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!
(15). Bro.Demond Tyler
Bro.Tyler received his first Covid vaccine on April 20, 2021, He has reported no complications at all and his second vaccine on May 18, 2021. Bro. Tyler is part of Faith M.B.C youth department and we want to let him know how proud of him we are. Way to go and keep up the good work HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!
(16). Bro. Charles Lockhart
Bro. Lockhart received his first Covid vaccine on March 9, 2021 and the second shot on April 6, 2021 and it was the Moderna shot. He has not reported any side effects nor symptoms from the vaccine.
(17). Sis.Beverly Lockhart Sis. Lockhart received her first covid shot on March 9, 2021 and she will get her second dose on April 6, 2021. Sis. Lockhart stated she had mild headache and it went away the next day after the second dose she received the Moderna vaccine HALLELUJAH all praises be to God! Update Sis.Lockhart received her second vaccine and she is just fine.
(18). Bro. Ken Robinson
Bro. Robinson received his first covid vaccine on March 3, 2021 which was the Moderna vaccine and his second shot was done on March 31, 2021. Bro. Robinson choose the moderna vacine and has reported no complications to the vaccines at all HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!
(19). Sis. Sara Robinson
Sis. Robinson received her first covid shot on March 3, 2021 the Moderna shot and had her second shot on April 4, 2021 Sis. Robinson has reported no complications to the vaccine we want to thank God for her and by getting the vaccine HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!
(20). Sis.Brianna Robinson
Sis. Robinson received her first covid vaccine on March 24, 2021 and had her second shot done on April 14, 2021 she has reported no complications to the vaccine at all. we want to also commend Sis.Brianna for getting vaccinated being part Faith M.B.C youth setting the tone for her peers HALLELUJAH alla praises be to God!
(21). Sis.Kennedy Robinson
Sis. Kennedy has received her first covid vaccine which was the Moderna on March 17,2021 and she received her second dose on April 14, 2021. Kennedy has reported no complications to the vaccine at all ,Way to go Kennedy we commend you on being an example for Faith youth HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!
1. James Laney3rd
Faith M.B.C very own James Laney3rd has received his first covid vaccine,,, It was the Pfizer and on the 18th of November. We want to thank and praise God for the vaccine for our youth. We will continue in prayer for everyone to be vaccinated so we may beat this Virus HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!
2. Jordan Barnes.
Another one of Faith's very own Jordan Barnes has received his first covid vaccine, Jordan got the Pfizer vaccine and it was also November 18th 2021, The same day as his brother and we would like to thank both James And Jordan for being courageous and being an example for our young people HALLELUJAH all praises be to God!